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Poniklované konektory na použitie vo výbušnom prostredí (ATEX) súlade s normou EN 60079-28:2005. Hawke konektor môže byť dodávaný ako konektorová zástrčka, konektorová zásuvka alebo panelový konektor. Súčasťou všetkých variantov je ochranný kryt.

Konektorová zástrčka a zásuvka sa je možnéôžu dodávať so vopred špecifikovanou dĺžkou kábla, pričom sa môže využiť . Môžete mať konektor Hawke na jednom alebo oboch koncoch. Ak sa Hawke používa iba na jednom konci, druhý koniec jesa môže možné objednať so špecifikovanou dĺžkou voľných sub-unitov ukončených okonektorovaných štandardnými konektormi (SC, LC atď.).

Panelový konektor je určený na montáž do panelov / skriniek , pričom druhý koniec je osadený patchcordami so štandardnými konektormi (SC, LC atď.)

Zásuvka má priamo zabudovaný adaptér (zásuvku), čo z nej robí „samičiu“ časť pri pripojení k samčiemu plugu ( zástrčke).

  • Optický Ex ATEX konektor
  • 4 alebo 8 vlákien v každom konektore.
  • Singlemode alebo multimode.
  • Kábel sa dodáva v dĺžkach špecifikovaných určených zákazníkom.
  • Vyhovuje Riešenie je v súlade s norme normou EN 60079-28: 2005

Prečítajte si viac o konektore Hawke

The connector plug and receptacle may be delivered with a specified length of cable. You may have the Hawke connector in one or both ends. If Hawke is used only in one end the other end may be ordered with a specified length of break-out cable fitted with standard connectors (SC, LC, etc.).
The bulkhead receptacle is for mounting in panels/cabinets and is available with patch cords with standard connectors (SC, LC, etc.) in the other end.
The receptacle part has an embedded adapter (socket), making this the "female" part when connecting to the "male" connector plug (pin).
4-fiber, Hawke Bulkhead, Soc, LC, OM1, 1m

Hawke connector terminated with ST connectors in the other end. The Hawke connectors are nickle plated and designed to operate in demanding harsh environments. They are sertified for use in areas with fire or explosion hazards (Ex) and are OP PR, which means that they create a mechanical protection of the signals. Female bulkehad (Soc) for connection with male connector (Pin). Both versions available for order.

4-fiber, Hawke Connector, Pin, OM1, AICI, 10m

AICI cable terminated with Hawke connectors in each end. The connectors are nickle plated and designed to operate in demanding harsh environments. They are sertified for use in areas with fire or explosion hazards (Ex) and are OP PR, which means that they create a mechanical protection of the signals.

8-fiber, Hawke Bulkhead, Soc, ST, OM1, 1m

Hawke connector terminated with ST connectors in the other end. The Hawke connectors are nickle plated and designed to operate in demanding harsh environments. They are sertified for use in areas with fire or explosion hazards (Ex) and are OP PR, which means that they create a mechanical protection of the signals. Female bulkehad (Soc) for connection with male connector (Pin). Both versions available for order. 8-fiber, Hawke Bulkhead, Soc, ST, OM1, 1m

8-fiber, Hawke Connector, Pin, OM1, QFCI, 10m

QFCI cable terminated with Hawke connectors in each end. The connectors are nickle plated and designed to operate in demanding harsh environments. They are sertified for use in areas with fire or explosion hazards (Ex) and are OP PR, which means that they create a mechanical protection of the signals. 8-fiber, Hawke Connector, Pin, OM1, QFCI, 10m


  • Fibre Ex ATEX connector

  • 4 or 8 fibres in each connector.

  • Single mode or multi mode.

  • Cable delivered in customer specified lengths.

  • Compliant with: 
    EN 60079-28:2005

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