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Séria IP

Séria IP je založená na štandardných LC alebo MPO konektoroch. Púzdro konektora zaisťuje mechanickú ochranu a súčasne chráni pred zhoršenými poveternostnými podmienkami. Trieda ochrany je IP68.

Tieto konektory sa zvyčajne používajú na dočasné spojenia. Slúžia aj na pripojenie antén, alebo na prepojenie kontajnerov.

IP-LC má 2 vlákna a IP-MPO má 12 vlákien. Obe môžu byť dodávané ako singlemode alebo multimode.
Prislúchajúce adaptéry existujú pre montáž na panel (panelové) a priame pripojenie (inline). Pri pripájaní konektorov MPO musí byť jedna strana samica a druhá samec.

Associated adapters exists for panel mounting (bulkhead) and direct connection (inline). When connecting MPO connectors one side must be male and the other female.

Tactical cable is normally used with the IP-series. This is a robust and flexible cable. It can handle large variation in temperature, -40°C to +70°C. Together with the Foss cable reel, this becomes a very good solution for temporary connections.

The IP-series is based on standard LC or MPO connectors from Senko. The connector housing ensures mechanical protection while at the same time protecting against exposed weather conditions. Protection class is IP68.

A typical system consists of field cable with a plug at both ends, adapter for mounting in chassis and standard cords on the inside of the cabinet, for connection to electronics or other networks. Field cable with plugs can also be connected togetherby using the inline adapter. If this is done with IP-MPO, one side must be equipped with control pins.

The IP series is typically used for temporary connections, for example between containers. It is also used for more durable connections where splicing is unsuitable, for example in antenna masts. IP-LC have 2 fibres and IP-MPO have 12 fibres. Both may be delivered as single- or multimode. Associated adapters exists for panel mounting (bulkhead) and direct connection (inline). When connecting MPO connectors one side must be male and the other female.

Tactical cable is normally used with the IP-series. This is a robust and flexible cable. It can handle large variation in temperature, -40°C to +70°C. Together with the Foss cable reel, this becomes a very good solution for temporary connections.

12-fibre IP-MPO(M) - IP-MPO(M), 50/OM3

Tactical cable multimode OM3 12-fibre IP-MPO (male) - IP-MPO (male) connectors with IP68 protection.

12-fibre IP-MPO/A(M) - IP-MPO/A(M), 9/OS2

12-fibre IP-MPO (male) - IP-MPO (male), 9/OS2 SM fibre, polarity A

2-fibre IP-LC w/dustcap, 50/OM2

IP-series is based on standard LC or MPO connectors from Senko. The system consists of field cable with a plug at both ends, adapter for mounting in chassis and standard cords on the inside of the cabinet, for connection to electronics or other networks. For environments with chemicals, corrosive-gasses and -liquids.

2-fibre IP-LC w/dustcap, 62.5/OM1

IP-series is based on standard LC connectors from Senko. The system consists of field cable with a plug at both ends, adapter for mounting in chassis and standard cords on the inside of the cabinet, for connection to electronics or other networks. For environments with chemicals, corrosive-gasses and -liquids.

2-fibre IP-LC/PC w/dustcap, 9/OS2

IP-series is based on standard LC connectors from Senko. The system consists of field cable with a plug at both ends, adapter for mounting in chassis and standard cords on the inside of the cabinet, for connection to electronics or other networks. For environments with chemicals, corrosive-gasses and -liquids.

Adapter, IP-LC, bulkhead, MM, with dustcap

IP-MPO bulkhead adapter, suitable for multimode and singelmode fiberoptic connectors. Made for use in rough environments.

Adapter, IP-LC, bulkhead, SM, with dustcap

Bulkhead adapter for IP-LC connectors

Adapter, IP-LC, in-line, MM, with dustcap

IP-MPO inline adapter, suitable for multimode fiberoptic connectors. Made for use in rough environments.

Adapter, IP-LC, in-line, SM, with dustcap

IP-MPO inline adapter, suitable for singlemode fiberoptic connectors. Made for use in rough environments.

Adapter, IP-MPO bulkhead, SM+MM, up/down, m/hette

IP-MPO bulkhead adapter for rough environments

Adapter, IP-MPO inline, SM+MM, up/down, m/hette

IP-MPO inline adapter, suitable for both multimode and singlemode fiberoptic connectors. Made for use in rough environments.


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